Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Peter and Josi's Newsletter - Part 1 - June 2018

Peter and Josi’s Newsletter - June 2018 - Part 1

Dears Friends,

Greetings once again in Jesus Wonderful Name!   The photo above shows part of the infants
class in a recent reading workshop - Theme: Cultivating friendships. Book “The Little Prince”

I will be sending out 2 newsletters this month - all being well!   This is the first part…..

Thank you for all your prayers and support. The school Escola Crista Água Viva continues to
be a blessing to children and their families, we have a good team of teachers……and Praise
the Lord the school earns enough to cover wages, although there is nothing left over and of
course we need to do maintenance and buy replacement equipment. Some parents continue
to struggle paying school fees - the total is over 4,000 reais (about 800 UK pounds)  Please
pray for wisdom and help …….as weak and seemingly overwhelmed as we are - The Lord
tells me there is strength through weakness - His power is made perfect through weakness.
So we persevere….knowing God can make flowers grow in the hardest place.
Crianças do Rei Project
The children experience every day the best we can offer spiritually in their school routine.
We currently have children 1 year to 12 years, this group are children living at social risk,
the time they stay are precious moments, where they receive attention, protection, care and
much affection. All have a history very similar, living in extreme poverty, suffering from social
inequality and with all the problems associated with this. We present to them the love of God
for their lives, through what we do, teaching, feeding, and caring, for we want them to
understand that there is hope and a future for their lives, Jesus Christ. It is our day to day
work with them and we can already see in their lives gratitude to God even though they live
in difficult situations. But God's love in action has reached their lives.  Josi

"It is dangerous to be so busy that you have no time to wait on God." AW Tozer

Art Competition
This year I have been thinking and praying about developing an Art Competition to teach the Bible and
disciple those who participate.  More details can be found at website    

We think it will be a good way to disciple this generation, an encouragement for participants to learn about
the Bible by producing a picture for the Broad and Narrow Way Art Competition.
Entrants will have  a chance to examine the message and theme of the famous Broad and Narrow Way
picture by Mrs Charlotte Reihlen - and then produce a picture  - To capture the message of the Broad and
Narrow Way and faithfully portray it for today's generation. The competition we hope and pray will help  
churches to reach out to their communities effectively. A pamphlet to familiarise each entrant for the
competition will be an opportunity for churches to provide teaching to further help entrants.
There is a great need to disciple young people of all nations not only in Brazil, teaching Christian values
and the Bible in a relevant way. We need to raise at least 10,000 UK pounds to run the competition -
Yes, 10,000 UK pounds, but this is the  same cost more or less for secular art competitions.

The plan will be to run this alongside participating churches who see this as part of their outreach into
their community. It means anyone wanting to enter will have to register through their local participating
church.  A pack containing a guide, flyers and material to help churches will be produced as part of a
package to help publicise and run the competition. Each church must have at least one volunteer to run
the competition for their church.

Please contact me should you be interested   Serious cash prizes are involved - Remember this is an
incentive for artists in your community to enter. It will also be a means of extending grace to those who
are seemingly alienated from church who might never darken a church door except for funerals and
weddings, perhaps just perhaps…..this would break the ice

If enough participating churches contribute a small amount, (For example 250 uk pounds x 40 churches
= 10,000)   it won't be long before we reach our targets.

Please pray, we are at the planning stage and we need others to come alongside us for this to work.

We think there would be a lot of interest….and an opportunity for churches to reach out to their
communities in a new way.

Gawin Kirkham’s visit to the studio of Henry Bevis - From the book -
“The Story of a Picture - The Broad and Narrow Way”
“The last—the one I now use—was painted by Henry Bevis, scene painter, 140, Pentonville
Hill, London, and is nine feet wide and twelve feet long.  It is painted in dulled oils,
suspended on an ingenious frame, and lighted by a "new quintuple dual illuminator "—
five duplex lamps in one - (both invented by Mr. Leonard Todd) placed at its foot. From
these copies I have lectured in public 909 times in eighteen years to tens of thousands
of people.”  "History and Explanation of the picture "The Broad and The Narrow Way" By
the late Gawin Kirkham - Secretary of the Open-Air Mission

An encouraging message

“My name is Shelby Lauderdale and I'm writing from my hometown of Salem, Oregon [about a 16
hour drive north of Disneyland in California, if that helps 😀]...I just wanted to tell you what your
artwork has meant to me...When I somehow felt God telling me to do a trng with YWAM in
Melbourne, Australia,  I didn't even know Holy Spirit was real... and I had never left the West
Coast of the USA. When He revealed Himself to me during a corporate prayer time, it was quite
a shock 😉, but it also has led to the hardest and most beautiful path toward finding the real God...
That was January 1997, when I was 24 (soon to be 25).
Fast forward literally 20+ YEARS, and I uncovered the three note cards (copies) of your work that
I can't remember how, but I was able to purchase them-- probably just a couple dollars-- while on
the YWAM base in Oz.
I of course had never seen prophetic art before-- nor even had that language to speak that phrase--
and your three images captured my spirit and soul. I remember actually stopping in my tracks,
recognizing Jesus Himself holding the world/globe and the harvest-thresher thing [can't remember
it's name! Ha ha Sickle??]  Anyway--- I literally remember FEELING Holy Spirit for one of the first
times ever when I saw your paintings replicated on these little note cards.
Many, many times-- and through many, many moves-- I've tried to find those postcards of yours,
or tried to find pictures of your work on a website...
They really do mean so much to me... an evidence of Heaven at work in us for the world.
And I came across them recently!! And I'M SO HAPPY!! And they are still just as poignant, just
as important to me as they were 20+ years ago. That the journey is worth taking ♡.
Anyway~ I guess after all these years, today was the day to say THANK YOU for doing what you
do -- for blessing the world with God's love.
How cool that somehow while in Australia, I got your art from England, and now have it back
ome in the USA. 😍 God is super fun like that.God bless you today, Peter~ whether you're
painting scripture prophetically or not, you're a blessing.”     
  "Shelby R. Lauderdale of Salem, Oregon - USA"

I received this some weeks ago from Shelby - and I thought isn't that amazing! And a great
encouragement!  Most of the time I don't really know what effect my artwork has so this was very
special. Thank you for sharing Shelby!  May God Bless you!

With love and best wishes  - Second newsletter will be arriving soon all being well!

Peter, Josi and Dorothy    

Giving through Stewardship
An update - For those who kindly wish to support us in missions with YWAM Brazil. We are
registered with give net - Stewardship Services in the UK. For those who wish to pay through STEWARDSHIP  We have an account at https://www.give.net/20089559   Before confirming any
gift on give.net you will be asked whether you wish to remain anonymous. If you choose this
option your personal details will be will not be made known. If you have any questions please
ask for details Donations may also be sent via Western Union which we are able to receive here.   
Peter and Josi Millward, Rua Pintor J. Figueiredo No. 805. Praia Iparana. Caucaia, Ceara.
CEP. 61.627-250.  Brazil. https://www.facebook.com/escolacristaaguaviva  ​  

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