Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Peter and Josi's Newsletter - November 2017


Peter and Josi’s Newsletter - November 2017

Dear Friends,

Greetings once again!   Thank you for your messages, prayer and support!  And thank you to all who responded to our fundraiser for going to and participating at the  
YWAM Brazil Family Reunion at Caldas Novas. ​So far we have raised £750 UK pounds - Praise the Lord!  We still need to raise a further £770 UK Pounds…...Please​ ​pray​ ​in​ ​agreement​ ​with​ ​us​ ​as​ ​we​ ​make​ ​plans​ ​and​ organise flights, and our stay for this time. There will also be reunion for YWAM Leaders to attend - we need to be there..​Every two years this very important event comes round on the calendar for YWAM Brazil…If you would like to help us we would be very grateful!
Art events for children and adults
The art events and children's church continues to make progress on Saturday mornings for the children. It gives us great joy to see the children enjoying the art activities with teaching about missions and the Bible. I will be looking to expand our range of Bible and Mission themed activities for art events. So far we have done The Lion and the Lamb - Revelation 5:4-6, Mary Jones and her Bible. Loren Cunningham’s - Call to Missions. We would like to offer these to Churches, Sunday schools and Bible Camps. If anyone would like to know more please contact me. Also we would like to develop themes a Church would like for an art event.

A few weeks ago we had to change the theme for our Saturday morning art event at the last minute....So we decided to focus on Youth With A Missions founders - Loren and Darlene Cunningham and Loren's vision of the waves. I sketched Loren and Darlene''s life story on a panel and the children painted it. I also produced a picture to inspire the kids - researching it I came across a story Loren shared a number of times - As a child he would look up into the moon at night and wonder how to make known to the whole world God's great love. He imagined if he could place rocks on the surface of the moon which spelled "God is love" all the people on the earth would then be able to see...Then in 1956 when Loren was 20, God showed him something which would direct the whole course of his life....Loren recounts - "I opened my Bible, routinely asking God to speak into my mind. What happened next was far from routine. Suddenly, I was looking up at a map of the world. Only the map was alive, moving! I sat up. I shook my head, rubbed my eyes. It was a mental movie. I could see all the continents. Waves were crashing onto the shores. Each went onto a continent, then receded, then came up further until it covered the continent completely. I caught my breath. Then, as I watched, the scene changed. The waves became young people–kids my age and even younger–covering the continents. They were talking to people on the street corners and outside bars. They were going house to house. They were preaching...' Youth With A Mission came about because the vision God gave Loren. Today over 18,000 full time volunteers are serving the Lord in missions in every continent of the world - including Josi and myself.

Escola Crista Agua Viva
Please pray for our school Escola Crista Agua Viva and project Crianças do Rei, we are at the time of year when parents enroll their children for the next school year starting January 2018. We are the only Christian school for miles around please pray more Christian parents will support the school and see the value and need to enroll their children. Where Christian and family values are taught.  Please continue to pray for Crianças do Rei….we still need to reach the target for covering all expenses for the Project.

You can be Heroes….or Sugar Candy?
You can be Heroes…..but what will it mean?

As I am writing I have been listening to David Bowie’s song “Heroes”  A song connected with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989….in fact David Bowie wrote it in Berlin some years before. But those of us old enough will also remember the fervent prayers of God’s people during the time of the Cold War….I certainly remember. But today where are  the prayer warriors of the church? A sinister agenda has now arisen - And we are as it were witnessing all around us the world dismantling Biblical values everywhere especially in Education. - Perilous times are ahead because there has been absence of salt which is salty and light which has grown dim during these days. For years many settled into a safe comfortable non offensive PC Christianity as a lost world sank deeper into moral decline - We now see the folly of this complacency ….Two thoughts -
The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing.  - Edmund Burke

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”  Dietrich Bonhoeffer  

At the end of this newsletter I re- wrote David Bowie’s anthem  “Heroes”   My ode to answered prayers in 1989 and challenge us to seek our King again. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords - Jesus Christ.
On Youtube you can find backing music for this...although David Bowie’s original music may be easier to keep time with the new verses.

I, I see a king
And you, you see him too?
Though nothing, will drive us away
We can beat them, just when we pray
We can be heroes, trust and obey

And you, you can have faith
And I, I’ll agree in prayer
'Cause we're followers, following Christ
Yes we're followers,  that is the fact
Though nothing, will keep us from praying
We can change a world, just when we pray.
We can be heroes, forever and ever
What'd you say?

I, I wish you could see....
Like the eagles, like eagles can see
Though nothing, nothing will keep us from prayer
If​ ​we​ ​have​ ​Christ, forever and ever
Oh yes, we can be heroes, trust and obey

I, I see the king
And you, you see him too!
Though nothing, will drive us away
We can be heroes, just go and pray
Our King is with us, trust and obey

I, I can remember (I remember)
Praying, for the wall (for the wall)
And the news,  that showed it all  (showed it all)
And we prayed, we prayed for the wall  (for the wall )
And the prayers, the prayers were answered..
Oh we beat them, forever and ever
Then we can be heroes, praying in faith
We can be heroes, we can be heroes
We can be heroes, trust and obey.
We can be heroes
Were nothing, nothing without our King
but we can be heroes, when we obey
We can be heroes, let's change the world.

With love and best wishes
Peter, Josi and Dorothy    

​For those who would like to help financially my bank details are as follows.  Our bank account details can be supplied if this would be more convenient

Giving through Stewardship
For those who kindly wish to support us in missions with YWAM Brazil. We are registered with give net - Stewardship Services in the UK. International payments and one-off donations can be easily processed with Debit and Credit cards - please visit the link below to see our giving page. For those who wish to pay through STEWARDSHIP  We have an account at   Before confirming any gift on you will be asked whether you wish to remain anonymous. If you choose this option your personal details will be will not be made known. If you have any questions please ask for details

Donations may also be sent via Western Union which we are able to receive here.   
Peter and Josi Millward, Rua Pintor J. Figueiredo No. 805. Praia Iparana. Caucaia, Ceara.
CEP. 61.627-250.  Brazil.

taaguaviva  ​  *Email: ​​ ​ *Please note the email address is the current one I use  

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