Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Peter and Josi's Christmas Newsletter 2019

The Calvary Express

Peter and Josi’s Newsletter  - Christmas 2019
Dear Friends!

It's Christmas Eve here in Brazil….but there is not much sign of snow yet…... kkkkk.  

It only seems like yesterday we were in London at Christmas last year, and we had such an amazing time! And we are so grateful to our friends who made this possible and gave such hospitality and welcome to us! We still remember and often talk about this. We were so blessed, especially Dorothy who has so many wonderful memories of our stay…..Not long ago Dorothy had a dream about a journey she was going to make to France, England, United States and Portugal…..with 6 children and 9 adults!. They are all our friends here in Brazil. And we were going as - JOCUM Praia our YWAM Base!. Please pray…..We know God speaks through dreams, so we must pray, because nothing is impossible for Him! The year is quickly coming to an end and we will soon be in 2020 God willing! We have a lot to be grateful for. God has given us friends who have stuck with us through thick and thin, and we are so grateful! Some of you will receive personal Christmas greetings this year all being well...I miss sending Christmas cards, but sending from Brazil is a bit expensive and the post office isnt nearby. But a few days ago I managed to find an online Greeting cards service that sends cards through the post. So for those I managed to find your addresses - Christmas cards all being well shall arrive! Escola Crista Água Viva has broken up for the end of this school year, and the new school year will start next year. So we are enjoying a break - Recovering! Please pray for the completion of the 3 new school classrooms for the start of the new school year.

Since this is Christmas Eve and it's 11:00pm - I better close now. With a few thoughts on the picture - The Calvary Express.Those who have watched the children’s movie “The Polar Express” will recognize the themes of the picture….and some changes! – The movie is a favourite every Christmas, and millions of children and adults will be settling down to watch the movie… how a small boy is transported to the North Pole with lots of other children to see Santa Claus………..But what if the movie was about the real message of Christmas? and the Polar Express had instead been called “The Calvary Express” I expect the movie directors would have to make lots of changes, and instead of a make believe story…they would have to convey the real message of Christmas about the Saviour Jesus Christ, redeeming a lost mankind and how true belief and faith in Him alone ultimately decides our destination – When the Lord of Glory – Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary…. He quite literally put His life on the line …. and his death at the Cross paid the price only He could pay to redeem lost sinners. Do we believe Him? Do we truly believe? Then we must believe the Lord Jesus Christ and follow Him. On His train only one ticket is accepted…….


So with this in mind let us worship and focus on the one who is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever - The Lord Jesus Christ. With the way things are in the world...one can perhaps be forgiven wondering how much longer things can go on, but the Lord’s timing is perfect….. And so we pray “Come Lord Jesus quickly!”
With our best wishes for Christmas and Gods guidance and blessing for 2020 . 

With our love 

Peter, Josi and Dorothy


​For those who would like to help financially my bank details are as follows.  

Giving through Stewardship

An update - For those who kindly wish to support us in missions with YWAM Brazil. We are registered with give net - Stewardship Services in the UK. Monthly and one-off donations can be easily processed with Debit and Credit cards - please visit the link below to see our giving page. Give net has made some recent updates which should make this easier - for those who wish to remain anonymous, give net makes this provision. For people outside the UK who wish to give - the payment process allows International donors to opt out of UK Gift Aid system. Stewardship Services are a Christian organisation serving charities and missionaries from the UK.

For those who wish to pay through STEWARDSHIP  We have an account at https://www.give.net/20089559   Before confirming any gift on give.net you will be asked whether you wish to remain anonymous. If you choose this option your personal details will be will not be made known. If you have any questions please ask for details 

Donations may also be sent via Western Union which we are able to receive here.   

Peter and Josi Millward, Rua Pintor J. Figueiredo No. 805. Praia Iparana. Caucaia, Ceara. 

CEP. 61.627-250.  Brazil. https://www.facebook.com/escolacristaaguaviva  ​ 

Sunday, 8 December 2019

Peter and Josi’s Newsletter - December 2019

Crianças do Rei - Christmas Project - Brazil.
Peter and Josi’s Newsletter  - December 2019

Dears Friends and Prayer Warriors!,   

*********Our Newsletter, if you wish to read the full report and news - Please contact us.********

Since our last Newsletter….  Thankyou for all those who pray for us and help!   Recently we had a meeting with friends in Fortaleza and we are looking to see how to develop partnership with the Ywam University of the Nations 

Construction progress for Escola Crista Água Viva 

This is the picture of the construction for the school - 3 new classrooms. What is wonderful now  is the blue rope which was so often seen in our newsletters holding the roof down has now been removed - Praise the Lord!!. Please continue to pray for finance to complete before the rainy season starts.  We still need need to raise finance for material and labour.  School Construction - Remaining material needed 19/11/2019

To complete we need to raise  £354 for material for each New Classroom. We have 3 new classrooms to be completed. Since last year I had to place a blue rope around one corner of the roof to stop the wind blowing it off!  But now we are seeing a great answer to prayer with new classrooms and new walls going up!…. The school could not have continued in the state of maintenance that it was in…..So we are grateful to God for His provision to be able to do this…...We are building and walking by faith……. Please, If anyone would like to help finance any of the items mentioned, Please contact us and let us see this project completed to the Glory of God! 

Like an oasis in a dry and thirsty land, children and families come to quench their thirst. This is God’s will for His church, the Bride of Christ - education should be one of those oasis cultivated and cared for with meticulous care and attention by the Church and not the State.  The steady downward spiral of the West...can be fixed to the date nations looked to the State instead of the Church to educate its children …. Also in Isaiah 58:12 Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins; you will restore the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of the Breach, Restorer of Streets of Dwelling.   This is what the Church is called to be.….. And education is one major area for discipling a nation… In many ways our school is like a small section of the walls of a spiritual Jerusalem. I think we know a little how Nehemiah must have felt!   And thinking more about Jerusalem reminds me of William Blake’s splendid and stirring hymn “Jerusalem 

 For Prints and Cards Click ImageIt was always a mystery singing it at school, wondering as we sang... “And did those feet in Ancient Times walk upon England's mountains green?” Well...Did they?  But I finally understood a few years ago. Blake was asking four rhetorical questions, questioning a popular myth. (There was a myth going around during the time of William Blake, some believed Jesus visited England as a boy.)   William Blake's amazing response was - Jerusalem!. Unfortunately all through school and even attending churches - It would seem - No one at the time actually understood the kind of treasure this hymn represents...So many still don't know the meaning of William Blake's profound poem or implications!.  It kind of got lost and hidden as a patriotic anthem…...but the hymn is for mobilizing the Church do the works God prepared for those who love Him.  
Full text and explanation of the picture can be seen at my blog 

THE GOSPEL LIFEBOAT or, Salvation for the Perishing.
A New Edition based on the Original “Gospel Lifeboat” circa early 1900s produced for The Lighthouse Literature Mission – Samuel H. Strain, Director. “The Lighthouse” Belfast, Ireland.  The work and ministry of the Lighthouse Literature Mission and Samual H Strain who founded it in 1904. During his lifetime, Mr Strain maintained communication with hundreds of Lighthouse keepers and their families all over the world for 36 years, supplying much needed parcels and literature to those engaged in this lonely and at times perilous enterprise of Light keeping.  This is one example of many posters, print and cards available as various gifts - If your stuck this Christmas to find a unique gift for family and friends take a tour at the Online Gallery  

For Prints and Cards Click ImageAdding on to what I shared in our previous Newsletter -  While recovering from an injury to my arm a few months ago - It was as though I took a last days tour on youtube and  I think the Lord captured my attention!
During that time I listened to many messages on youtube...but one in particular caught my attention, Pastor Anton Bosch (Sun Valley Community Church) shared a story about travelling on a train in the UK. And it got me thinking very deeply.....and took me back to memories I hadn't thought of for years - about the story of another train journey and the sobering dream of a man who saw a beautiful train on a journey to Hell.
Prayer and Praise!
We have a YWAM Leaders reunion in December and also YWAM Family Reunion. Please pray we might have the necessary means and resources to attend.  This year it is particularly challenging to attend. 

Please continue to pray for the School Escola Crista Água Viva and Crianças do Rei project - That God will open doors for us to find help needed. 

We give thanks to God for His protection as we work….

We praise God for all who agree with us in prayer, please keep praying! 

Please keep praying for the Art Gallery and Art competition …….We are certain these two projects will make a very big  difference… And the prayer request about the picture being painted to go to auction…...God indeed hears our prayers!

Please pray for the structure of the school and project, We praise the Lord for all the provision and blessing!

Till next time…..I hope to write our Christmas Newsletter too!

With the  seasons greetings and love and best wishes!

Peter, Josi and Dorothy  

​For those who would like to help financially with our support in missions.  We are registered with give net - Stewardship Services in the UK. Monthly and one-off donations can be easily processed with Debit and Credit cards - please visit the link below to see our giving page. Give net has made some recent updates which should make this easier - for those who wish to remain anonymous, give net makes this provision. For people outside the UK who wish to give - the payment process allows International donors to opt out of UK Gift Aid system. Stewardship Services are a Christian organisation serving charities and missionaries from the UK.
For those who wish to pay through STEWARDSHIP  We have an account at https://www.give.net/20089559   Before confirming any gift on give.net you will be asked whether you wish to remain anonymous. If you choose this option your personal details will be will not be made known. If you have any questions please ask for details 

Donations may also be sent via Western Union which we are able to receive here.   
Peter and Josi Millward, Rua Pintor J. Figueiredo No. 805. Praia Iparana. Caucaia, Ceara. 
CEP. 61.627-250.  Brazil. https://www.facebook.com/escolacristaaguaviva  ​