Monday, 31 October 2016


Peter and Josi’s Newsletter October 2016

Dear Friends,

Man cannot live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.  Which is why we rejoice that God created Mangoes!  The Mango crop has ripened at the property of Crianças do Rei - or some days we would be rather hungry! God is Good!

                                    ART IN MISSIONS

A picture I have been working on - Deeper magic from before the Dawn of Time - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe C.S.LEWIS. Hope to produce more pictures with stories C.S. Lewis wrote.  To hold the thoughts behind symbolism and convey them in the language children understand. We present this to children, who have a background of poor education, living in a violent and lawless place - The symbolism and beauty within the story of Narnia may cut through this and speak the language children understand.

I am glad I returned to making pictures again. I have a joy and peace in my heart…..Art can bring that which is eternal and unchanging into focus -  through art I can celebrate what is true, what is good and what is beautiful in an age of the obscene and vulgar.  
You are welcome to visit  my new online art gallery at Redbubble - Please follow the link  


Josi and one of the carers helping the children make Christmas Cards     I am drawing the story of the hungry Lion.

A news update following our last one about the new School Crianças do Rei.The school started as planned, and we have about 3 - 4 children regularly attending, we expect a lot more to attend but we are only having Crianças do Rei just in the morning at the moment until we can raise more support and donations. The children eat during the morning but lunch and afternoon school will need to wait till are more established.   We do need more help and volunteers. please pray.   

Working with children and families from the mangroves is very different than regular school children and families.  It's very challenging but we are glad we can help and see how the children's faces light up at school...the way they live back at the mangroves is very child should have to live like this.     Our hope and prayer is Crianças do Rei would help the poorer families. We continue never the less endeavouring to build the Kingdom of God in an area of much need. We believe Jesus has won the victory… spite of all we see and hear around us.


Not so long ago I produced the picture here….I have been wondering what to do with it…'s quite an uncomfortable picture…….We can celebrate in art what is true, good and  beautiful...but I am reminded of the responsibility to help Christians understand their calling. Through studying, prayer and not a little travail…..The conviction gripped me the Church has the responsibility to be the agent of change for good  in society. For along time the opinion of many has been Governments are responsible for education. But I believe this is not so….In the eyes of God it is we the Church….We are the ones who ought to bring change for good...But what is in fact happening around us?

There is a  direct connection with poverty and education in Brazil.  Many grow up with little hope or prospect of decent jobs…...It results in many youth turning to crime….the mortality rate either equals to or is higher than many war zones in the world.  And the Church?  A lack of poor discipleship and teaching has resulted in Churches largely ineffective and little understanding of the call to stand in the gap for education.l. (Recently a Christian school in the city of Fortaleza announced it was closing it's doors after 25 years, it had the backing of a large church behind it. But sadly somehow lost the vision for Christian education.)   Many years ago Churches made a difference in Europe….The UK benefitted greatly…….until the idea arrived that the State should take over education.  Sadly this idea the state should be responsible has spread throughout the world.  Somehow Churches need to take back the mandate the Lord has given us to        Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it”. Proverbs 22:6  We are to fight for it…….the future of our children is at stake, and if the future of our children is at stake - then what of the nation?

Some may think it's already too late…..But that is no reason to give in…...We who have the light should diligently labour while we still can, taking encouragement from missionaries like William Cary and Hudson Taylor. They did not carry a defeatist attitude and what a difference they made!  We should acknowledge through Christ they did great things...they dared to do great things...because they believed in a great God …..and God will bless those who truly obey who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions…...Hebrews 11:33    We who are in Christ  are called to this...or at least die trying. ( Are we in this category? )  

So I am considering….What I must do to help the church to wake up and understand it's call to disciple nations...I am pondering and praying about a series of pictures and paintings which raise awareness amongst Christians, and God helping shake the church to the foundations…….With all the violence that is happening - We should be asking why? With all the religious activity that goes on, impacts, events, shows, entertainment, celebrities…...churches try to win the lost….but shouldn't we rather obediently return to the Lord.and get His Bride ready?  What does it mean? And how does it apply to us?   “Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God's holy people.) Revelation 19:8  

"Come, let us return to the LORD. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. Hosea 6:1

God bless you with our love

Peter, Josi and Dorothy   

For those who would like to help financially

Also donations may also be sent via Western Union which we are able to receive here, also please ask for details.
Peter and Josi Millward, Rua Pintor J. Figueiredo No. 805. Praia Iparana. Caucaia, Ceara. CEP. 61.627-250.  Brazil.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Crianças do Rei - October Newsletter 2016

I needed to produce a fitting logo for the new school -  During a time of prayer I had a strong impression about Aslan from Narnia and thought what a wonderful way to show the children who Jesus really is.

Peter and Josi’s Crianças do Rei - October Newsletter 2016
Dear Friends,

Thankyou to all of you who have sent help and donations for the new school - Crianças do Rei. We celebrated Children's day party last Saturday which was well attended by families from the Mangrove area.  The school has started functioning this week.
The children come from the neediest areas.


We do need to pay salaries to teachers and carers  - at the moment we have salaries to take care of which amounts to about 500 reais each.   A lot of the building and maintenance work I have been taking care of myself and sometimes have paid help with building work.

Running costs for Crianças do Rei per month will be at least 650 UK pounds per month. Rent, salaries, energy, and food for children’s lunch and lunch breaks. Please pray - If anyone would like to partner with us also churches interested - please contact us.

For those interested in sponsoring a child.

Donors can sponsor a child with us for 25 UK pounds a month. - that is for one horario = 4 hours.  Can be for the school period or the after school program.
Donors sponsor a child all day @ 50 UK pounds a month  = 10 hours including lunch break 11.00 - 13.00.  

A normal school day is 4 hours of classes in Brazil.  Crianças do Rei will have this....but also 4 hours of after school activities, sports, arts etc.

I hope what I have shared is helpful to understand the realities here. If you have any questions or suggestions please ask.

With love from us all here
Peter, Josi and Dorothy

*This is a news update on Crianças do Rei, and will share our other news about Escola Crista Agua Viva and JOCUM PRAIA in a separate newsletter

For those who would like to help financially my bank details are as follows.  Please pay directly into my bank account at any Barclays branch or online: Please ask for details

For those who wish to pay through STEWARDSHIP  We have an account at  

If you have any questions please ask for details as it makes giving cost effective

Also donations may also be sent via Western Union which we are able to receive here, also please ask for details.

Peter and Josi Millward, Rua Pintor J. Figueiredo No. 805. Praia Iparana. Caucaia, Ceara. CEP. 61.627-250.  Brazil.    *Email: *Please note the email address is the current one I use